Seven Year Old Me Would Tell Me To…

There are days I look at myself and wish that I were someone different. There are days I compare myself to who I was, and who I am now, and I wish I could go back. But then I have to remind myself I am still those people. I haven’t changed. I’ve grown, and I can still listen to what they need to tell me, because all of it is important.

Seven year old me would tell me to laugh more, and laugh harder, because everything is funny. She would tell me not to worry about embarrassing myself, because I am also hilarious. She would tell me to talk to my parents more and ask them to play games with me, because nobody loves me like my mom and dad do.

Ten year old me would tell me to go outside more. Drop my phone, and don’t pick it up. Run outside, and pick dandelions. Make wishes, and watch the beautiful glow of the fireflies in the night time darkness.

Thirteen year old me would tell me do what I want. She would tell me to sing along to the song even though my voice is horrible, and dance my heart out. She would remind me to dream big, and not stress so much. She would tell me to have fun, let loose, and worry about my responsibilities later.

Sixteen year old me would tell me to love with all that I have. She would tell me to think with my heart, and lead with my emotions. She would tell me to help everyone that I can, and put passion in to everything that I do. She would also tell me to eat that piece of cake.

Twenty year old me would tell me to choose me. Choose me and the woman I am over everything else, and don’t give a damn what people think about it. She would tell me to make myself happy and take care of myself. She would tell me not to depend on anyone or anything, and when someone calls me selfish for that, to laugh in their face, and make them watch me.

Twenty three old me is telling me to do all these things and more. To keep growing, but not changing. To love myself, and every version of myself that I have yet to meet, because I bet 26 year old me will have learned some great lessons from 23 year old me.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. This is a great post! It really puts things into perspective. You’ve inspired me to write one like this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scattered Scripturient says:

      Awe thank you!! Glad you are 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Mona says:

    Oh..this is a great idea..lessons you learnt from the younger you. And you have written it beautifully. 🙂 I would like to borrow this idea and come up with my own post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scattered Scripturient says:

      Thank you so much!! Do it!! I would love to read it 😊❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. F says:

    Hey I recently found your blog. What a nice post. 🙂


    1. Scattered Scripturient says:

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed ❤


  4. J | Beauty's Expert Amateur says:

    Oh your writing is just stunning. This really resonated with me and I’m so glad I visited your blog. Big fan here x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scattered Scripturient says:

      I’m so happy you did too! Thank you 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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